I recently attended a friend's baby shower and she encouraged me to start writing again...I have been away for a while and well, I really missed this space. I have been blessed with such a great life (with happy times and struggles- but no less a blessing) and I love sharing blessing. For now, I'm back and ready to share the everyday life, ramblings and love of GlaminCincy!! I plan to share more recipes from the RJD Test Kitchen,"Hidden Gems" (or not so hidden) of Cincinnati (our Cincinnati family adventures), some fashion and beauty, and random thoughts.
It feels good to be back and thank you
Eat, Drink, and Be Married... for the encouragement and love.
Here is a peak at what The Deans have been up to this Spring.
Easter 2013
Roman played soccer and Tre' ran track.
They both had a great season!
HAIRCUTS!!!! WOW they are truly turning into my little men!
We explored a new restaurant.
Visited our
local farm to see the animal babies and to get farm fresh produce.
Tre' had his Spring Musical...I can't believe he is going into his 2nd grade year!
We helped Roman celebrate his 5th birthday and he had fun at his Kindergarten interview!
We went to our first Red's baseball game of the season!
And went strawberry picking at The Branstrator Farm Strawberry and Asparagus Festival!!
We have truly enjoyed our springtime together and look forward to making many more family memories!!!
Stay tuned to see what I made with all those delicious strawberries.