My photo
I LOVE cooking from recipes, and making up meals, I LOVE spending time with my boys (all three) and entertaining my family and friends, I LOVE bargain shopping (vintage stores included), I LOVE flipping through fashion and design mags, I LOVE the smell of libraries and how often I could get lost there, I LOVE scanning realty websites, I LOVE Trader Joes and LUSH, I LOVE fresh flowers and all four seasons, I LOVE Cincinnati and am always ready to travel, I LOVE stationary and stamps, I LOVE diamonds and pearls, tulle and lace, I LOVE smelling coffee and drinking tea, I love marshmallows and chocolate, I LOVE cozy sheets and morning sunshine, I LOVE me and I love GOD!


Daily Reads

Master Tre'

Master Roman

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Great finds, family, food and an absolutely relaxing time...

Here's  to my long weekend with my family and some moments to myself...

A weekend in pictures.

I picked up some awesome cookbooks ...

Enjoyed some great movies in bed by myself...

Time with family...

The delicious food...poor Scottie...we were on our 3rd house by this time.

I made a little dessert...

A lot of painting...

And...the beginning of our Christmas season...



Sunday, November 28, 2010

Macy's, Target, "The Mall" they are not...

People have always told me I am anything but ordinary. I have ideas as to how life should be fun, super adventurous and anything but ordinary. This year I want that to show through my holiday gift giving. Instead of shopping the ordinary mall fare I will be hitting up some of my favorite online shops for some ideas gifts perfect to please everyone on my list!!

Here are my top 5 fab holiday gift sites:



Saturday, November 27, 2010

On my wish list

I usually am not one to make a Christmas gift list or even ask for anything but this year there are a few things I have been eyeing. I know I have been a little naughty and very at times nice. Maybe Santa is reading and I'll get lucky (smiles).

1. Mad Hungry Cookbook by Lucinda Scala Quinn

2. Curls Like Us Curl Cloth: Curl Cloths™ are fun and functional, styling cloths specifically designed to set curls for optimal spring, shine, and beautiful definition, without the frizz

3. Songs to put on my IPod from Tracey Chapman, NAS, and a few others.

4.Kuhn Rikon Frosting Decorating Pen: Our favorite new way to decorate cakes, cupcakes, cookies and more. Six tips create endless designs, so decorating fresh-baked treats has never been this easy.

5. Apple IPOD Touch: There are some great photo apps that I really want to try!!!

What's on your wish list?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Trader Joes Holiday Yumminess... i lOVE cARAMEL!!!

I absolutely love when Trader Joe's begins to put out their holiday yummies!! Here are two of my by far favorite. I suggest if you have a TJs near you, pick these up on your next trip...add a bottle of wine and a warm bath and that's my weekend!!!





Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A New Orleans Twist

Although I am not cooking a big Thanksgiving dinner this year, I am going to bring a BIG pot of this to our family dinner.



I am hoping it turns out. I will post the recipe soon...

Sunday, November 14, 2010

With Thanksgiving in My Heart

With Thanksgiving coming up, like many people, I like to reflect on what I am truly and utterly thankful for...

Breath, Life, Health and a Sound Mind

My Beautiful Family

Romantic love: My super funny, absolutely fantastic husband. He is so supportive, loyal, calm, gentle, understanding, genuine, kind. I love that he challenges me to be a better person and to calm down and have quite patience…lol

 My beautiful babies: I thank God for two absolutely special little boys! They bring joy to my life that I never have experienced. Every day is an adventure with them and they keep me on my toes.

My mother. Thank you God for this lady!!! She supports me and the family in a way that I hope I can when I have grandchildren. Thank you mom for ALL you do for us! You are so strong and so beautiful and I learn so much from you!

My father. I am so blessed to have a father that has always been there for me. I have never experienced a void for a man’s love!

My handsome brothers (and their families)!!! They are just too funny and I have such great memories of us when we were all under one roof!!!

My family: My beautiful grandmother and all my aunts, uncles and cousins....

Having absolutely fantastic in-laws. They just make me feel so loved and a part of the family!

My courageous and simply fabulous sister friends, that know how much I love them even though distance and life separates us!!!

A warm place to come home to everyday

A fun and flexible job which helps to provide for my family and amazing coworkers

Reliable transportation

Having options

The trials in life that make me a stronger more faithful person

To be able to give to others in need

All 5 senses to truly experience all life has to offer

My church: Crossroads Community Church

To live within my means and be truly satisfied

To know God’s love

A happy spirit and a light heart. I think everything in life should be celebrated. Life is too short!

To have access to clean water and a feeling of security

Being blessed by my family to have seen other parts of the world

Being present

What's on your list?

